Today I'll start with Henry (with a few family things mixed in).
Here we are last fall, hiking to the Grotto - a fun place up Payson Canyon:
We stayed in California with my parents for 6 weeks and Henry had so much fun with his Brundage cousins.
Here is Henry and Charlie just before a hike up Bishop's Peak mountain:
Henry and the cousins on Thanksgiving, eating ice cream cones:
Henry and cousin Will hugging goodbye after a fun Thanksgiving visit:
We have had a battle with Henry over taking showers pretty much his whole life - he just hasn't liked them. But through some miracle he decided that showers were okay! Here he is taking his first shower without crying and actually enjoying himself:
We love monarch butterflies and went to this cool grove in Grover Beach to see thousands of them hanging out in the eucalyptus trees.
Here is Henry looking at them through binoculars:
We've gotten TONS of snow up here this winter(well, in my book, at least) and here is Henry helping to shovel the driveway:
Henry was very enthusiastic about decorating the Christmas tree this year. Here he is with Ella after all their hard work (note the flower headband - he can be very silly):
And here is Henry on Christmas morning - very excited about his new nerf gun:
For some unexplainable reason, I let Henry's hair get WAY too long - it just took me a long time to get around to having it cut (months and months and MONTHS). For a while it looked kind of cute, but then it started to look like a mullet with crazy long side burns.
Look how ridiculously long and bad it looks:
And last but not least, here is our little Karate champ. He's been taking karate for a couple of months now and he really likes it. He has advanced in one belt rank (from white to white with an orange stripe) and this last Saturday he participated in his first tournament. He was in 3 events and won one gold metal and two silver metals. After it was over he was sad that he didn't get a gold, a silver AND a bronze metal - he thought getting one of each would have been pretty cool.
Here he is in the sparring event:
Here he is in the padded sword fighting event (I can't remember it's name):
And here he is sporting one of his metals:
So - there you have it. Hope you're still with me and didn't get bored along the way! Any questions?
I love that long hair picture. He looks exactly like Adam did at that age - long hair and all. I can't believe how much Henry has grown.
Henry is big. He really has grown up. Great update and great pictures.
By the way, my children hate it when I cut their hair too. Recently Jared refused to go get his hair professionally cut and so I had Jason hold him down and I cut it. It looked pretty bad. I should have taken pictures. I'm glad you got pictures and I think your cut is tons better than the one I did. Jared had a visable line on the side of his head so when he passed Sacrament the entire ward could see how bad my cut was.
Don't feel bad about not blogging much. I felt like I had my entire life and house under control until I had 3 children, then it's all downhill from there as far as keeping up for a while.
Great post!
We love your updated blog. Henry, we are so proud of you and your karate championships! You are doing great. Amy it's fun to see several months of your life stretched out like that. What a cute family!!
We sure do love you and miss you!
nice! what a busy year.
This is a good bunch of pictures of my Henreedalis. He is a great kid, and very smart. He will have a blast this summer outside playing and getting to know his surroundings. I love him a lot!
Grandpa Jim
He's like a little man! What a cool kid.
Last time I saw you we had a fight about who gets a dime that I found on the ground.
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