Saturday, August 08, 2009

35 years to celebrate!

Today is Adam's 35th birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ADAM!
Luckily we have this file folder on our computer labeled "pictures of Adam" and it is great! Here are some fun pictures that have been taken over the last 35 years.

Here is Adam as a child:

Here he is growing up just a little:

Wait a that kid old enough to date??

Here he is on a mission:

Here he is post mission (I'm assuming these are post mission):
Here he is as THE greatest Superfan of all time:

Here he is as a great outdoorsman:
PS I've NEVER in my life seen a better rock skipper - he is seriously a world champion!

Here he is being silly:

Here is our favorite husband and father:
Adam Clark is our world - we love you, baba! Have a fantastic birthday today!


The Spanns said...

Happy Birthday Adam! These pictures were great!! haha Love it

Lokodi said...

I LOVE the pictures. What a nice post Amy. Adam's pretty great isn't he? I love you man!


chelsey said...

Ah the memories! Fablous guy! Have a great day today!

LanceandNance said...

Happy Birthday Adam, hope it was full of birthday awesomeness! That was a great picture tribute Amy!

Lance and Nance and Baby John

Michelle said...

Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing and Happy Birthday Adam!

Sandy said...

Happy Birthday, Adam! Those are awesome pictures -- even if he got to go dances when he was 11, HAHA!

Sandy said...

I also should point out that I think Jake's birthday is either on your anniversary or a day or two off...and Adam's birthday is the day after ours. Weird!

joeandcarole said...

Yea for Adam! Pretty good collection of pics. Tells the whole story, doesn'tit...from cute little boy to husband and Dad with such a cute wife and adorable children. That face in the "1st Date" picture is Henry J exactly!
Happy Birthday and happy year ahead.
We love you, Carole and Joe

Jason said...

Is that Tara Gomm in that dance picture? Happy birthday.

The Duke said...

Oh what memories these bring back - Adam was the cutest, sweetest baby in the world. He was so small when he was in 10th grade and then grew 7" the first year we lived in Indiana.
I got a kick out of the picture with Adam and Brent - such fun photos.
Hope this 35th year is even better than the past one.

Papa Doc said...

Amy, this is a great post. These pictures are great. I had not seem may of them. I think Adam was the cutest little kid ever. Who is that guy in the brown coat, however?

Hope this comment gets to you. It is so late coming, but I am slow at getting around to things.

Dad Clark