GIRL! We are very surprised and very excited. We've been referring to her as a "him" the whole time...everyone seemed to know it was a girl but us!
Here are 2 pictures of her. For a skeleton picture, I think the open mouth one is pretty cute.
Hooray for our sweet little girl!

Congratulations! We are very excited for you to have another GIRL! -Jen
i knew it! Congratulations! Her and Ella will be bestest friends for sure. Can't wait to meet her!
Henry still insisted today that he had a boy baby in his tummy so having a sister didn't faze him too much. Thanks for inviting me to come help with the kids. It was fun to be there and see the surprised look on your face and Adam's face.
Congratulations again!
yeah! i am so excited for your family! a little girl will be a great addition!
Congratulations! A girl! That will be so fun for Ella.
congratulations! Hooray for babies! a little girl!...sigh...what would that be like? (i'll never know. :))
You already made one cute girl, let's see if you can do it it again. :) Congrats.
Congratulations! The ultrasound appointment was always my favorite.
Congrats! We never guess right either.
Congrats!!! Now you know who is going to be sharing a room.
congratulations! very exciting! hope you are feeling better!
WHOOT! way to go estrogen!
She is really cute, but I do like the profile best and yes I think she does look a bit like Ella, at that stage. So Henry's still 'supporting'you with a baby in his tummy too? He's so sincere about it.
Congratulations, we're really happy for you. You always wanted a's so nice of you to give one to Ella!
Love you...
Yeah! how exciting! I'm very happy for you! now all adam needs to do is go and find a cabin in the middle of know where for him and henry when your girls becaome teens!
I knew it. I just knew it. I figured we had 5 boys so someone has to have all the girls. Glad you get one! Girls are so fun. I feel truly bless to have my one girl along with all the boys!
I saw Sandy last week and she told me the good news!! Congrats you guys... we LOVE girls!!!!
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