It's the end of an era!! BYU has torn down Deseret Towers (DT) - the dorm I lived at when I was a freshman at BYU. They've probably been there forever because they were pretty old when I lived there and that was in 1995. I'm not sure what they will do with the area, but it's SO sad to me to watch them go. I loved living there - even though I got sick of it by the end and I gained about 20 pounds over the 10 month period, I still loved it. I loved the friendships and the memories I made there. Here are some pictures of my life at DT:

Me in my first room (S hall room 708). That is where I met Sherri Cowley. We were roommates for the summer and then I moved over to T hall so I could be in Freshman Academy. Thank heavens I went that summer and roomed with her! I can't imagine a life where I didn't know Sherri. It seriously makes me teary just thinking about how much she's meant to me the last 13 years. Sherri is the closest thing I have to a sister.

Me and Sarah Rackham pointing to our rooms in S hall. Sarah lived next door to Sherri and I that summer. Again - thank heavens I got to meet her, too!

Sherri and I pointing to our mailbox in the Morris Center.

Sher and I getting ready for a football game. I know the picture quality isn't the greatest, but you get the idea...Adam, do you like our school spirit?!

This was the view from our room in S hall. When I first got there to check in, the girls downstairs said that my room had a great view - and yep -they were right! Sher got to live there the whole year - lucky girl!

This is me with Sandy DeGroot. Sandy and I grew up together in San Luis Obispo and then we lived in T hall and were in freshman academy together. Sandy has been one of my best friends over the years. She's known me over many stages of my life!!

This is me and Sandy with Amy Allen - she was Sandy's roommate. I haven't kept much in contact with her since college, but I loved her - she was so funny!! She really was one funny gal. For some reason we thought it was fun to take pregnant pictures in the middle of the night...
The last one was us about to go to a dance. I can't even remember the names of the other girls!

This is Sherri, laying on top of our friend, Laurie Bertrand. She was from Texas (as was Sherri) and so they had a "special bond." Sher still stays in contact with Laurie (I think). I think she and her husband are both doctors in Salt Lake!! Wow...what a smarty pants! Laurie is wrapped up in my baby blanket. I slept with it every night until half way through college. I realized that it was probably strange to still have it and so I took it home and left it there. Ahhh...
Notice the Steve Young pictures on my wall - I sure did love him! Also, there is a small cut out picture of John Walsh on the right side of the picture. My plan was to marry him when I got to BYU, but I guess that didn't happen. He wasn't even the quarterback anymore my freshman year - I believe it was Steve Sarkesian...maybe?

These are our great friends, Chachi, Dave and Randon. Amy and Chachi dated for most of freshman year and then I dated Chachi when he got back from his mission. I went with Dave to a DT dance (see the picture where Amy and I are winking at each other) and at first we were just friends, but then I ended up liking him a lot. He liked me back for a very short period of time, but then decided that he was in love with Sherri.
The picture with the retainers was Chachi being silly. He and Amy snuck into my room one night when the floor was open to guys and I was off somewhere else. They took this picture with my camera and my retainers and I didn't know about it until I got my role of film back. So silly...
So there you have a few of my memories of DT. Now to the pictures that I took a few weeks ago. Sherri was visiting and so we went to take these pictures together. Every hall was down, except for U hall which was right next to T hall (when T hall actually existed). It looks pretty scary though - like a bomb went off or something!

This hole is where S hall was.

If you look closely at this picture, you can see a little foundation still remaining - this is what is left of T hall. The Morris Center is still standing and is in the background of this picture.
Anyways, thanks for strolling down memory lane with me. I loved living there and these memories will have a special place in my heart forever.
You weren't kidding about memory lane! Those are some great pictures. I never did the freshman on campus thing, so I'm sure I missed out on a lot of fun. -Jess
Wow, that is really kinda sad...I won't be able to show my kids, "This is where I lived my freshman year"!! I have SOOO many great memories from that year - and I'm glad we were there together! Thanks for the awesome trip down memory lane:)
P.S. - Hi Sherry!
I love seeing these pictures of you when you were in college. So funny, thanks for sharing.
That's so sad! I didn't ever have the freshman experience at BYU. I lived off campus my vrey first semester. I do miss campus though. I haven't been there for a very long time. Once Geoff came, I never really needed to go on campus anymore. So much has changed! Can you imagine what it'll be like when/if our kids go to BYU? Glad you got the pictures!
wow, that was so crazy! I tried to call and call you after you called the other day and I've tried since and your phone never picks up or has voice mail or anything...the message was all garbled that you left so I assume you were saying that Sher was in town...I wish I could have seen her and you...DT was something I didn't think you could mess with! MY DAD LIVED THERE! weird.
Yes they were old even when you lived in them. I remember them from many, many, years ago.
I never lived even in Provo when going to BYU. I lived home then after marriage, I lived in Benjamin until I graduated. I still have lots of great memories of the campus,though. Thank you for you memories, too.
My dad lived in the d-dorms and then in Helaman halls the first year they opened. I don't think DT existed then! Love you Dad!
I'm sure glad you shared all this with us. I lived in Heritage Halls and hated every single minute of it due to some tough roommates. I couldn't wait to live off campus. I'm happy that you have such great memories. It has been sad for all of us to watch the demolition, wondering why they couldn't have just upgraded and remodeled. Apparently it would have cost more to remodel and upgrade than to tear down and do something else. I don't think it has been announced or decided yet what will replace DT. The Morris Center is still in business, but not of feeding BYU students. They will feed EFY kids for the summer and then a new facility will take it's place which has now been approved.
It was great to see photos of you during college since we didn't know you then. You look just as young now as you did then!
Amy, What super pictures! And what a great chance for you and Sherri to wander down memory land together. It brought fun memories back to me also of driving you up to school and hanging around with my friends for as long as I could! Remember??
By the way, did I ever tell you that I lived in the DT's? That summer (probably/possibly '65 or '66)that Joanne James Moses and I went back to work on our masters'. That was the summer we took flying lessons and soloed at the Provo airport.
Love you, your pictures and your memories!
Mom B
i know wierd huh? love the pics of you! it was great seeing you the other day! i miss you a ton! love ya!
Hi Amy, It's Jamey. I LOVE all your DT pictures, talk about flashbacks! Good times. Our babies are really close together. Ridge just turned ONE on June 1st. Ella's June 9th right?
I lived in Q hall 3rd floor my freshman year. 1995. And honestly, it was the happiest year of my life up to that point. I have so many good memories of that place. I was checking my blog traffic and I saw that someone had come from google from the search Deseret Towers 1995, so I did the search myself and found this blog post. And it brought back so many good memories. I probably have 200 pictures from that year. For me it was like, the greatest experience because I came from a high school in South Carolina where I had friends, but then DT was this place where, whoever I met was just as cool or cooler than some of my best friends from high school. Friends I have to this day I met at DT.
I took my son trick o treating back in 2004 and I was surprised at how small the rooms were, and how narrow the halls were. It was like a prison. I didn't remember it that way at all. They finally demolished the towers because they were kind of unsafe from an engineering standpoint. But I hope Deseret Towers will rise again!
After proofreading the above comment, I noticed some poor grammar. Got a little self conscious. Just remember I was reminiscing, and typing extemporaneously. Thats all I'm sayin'.
I did a search on google for deseret towers and I randomly pulled up your blog, but then I was like, hey I know that girl. Don't know if you remember me, but I lived at DT also. I went Fall of 1995-1996. My name is Christi (Levy) Katz and I was roomates with Jenny Clawson and friends with Sandy and Amy, Jenny and Michele, Jennie and Krista, and Melyssa and Jaime. We all lived in the same hall.
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